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Trends in Coaching, with Thom Wright, PCC

  • 10 Mar 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar


  • This option is for Guests who have paid their annual Activity Fee
  • This option is for Guests who choose to pay-as-you-go
  • This option is open to ICF Toronto Members who have paid their annual Activity Fee
  • This option is for ICF Toronto Members who are choosing to pay-as-you-go

ICF Toronto Chapter Professional Development Meeting

Trends in Coaching:

Democratization vs. Commoditization of Coaching in the Virtual World

With Thom Wright, PCC

In this collaborative discussion, Thom will offer thoughts from behind the scenes at Ezra, a global virtual coaching platform that has seen explosive growth since it went live in 2019. Thom will talk about his vision, and Ezra’s mission, to Democratize Professional Coaching and how this differs from commoditizing the field. He will share the story of Ezra’s incredible growth since 2019, touch on some of his thoughts on the ‘why’ of it and share some of the trends we’ve seen as thousands of clients have passed through programs with Ezra over the course of the pandemic. Come join us and discuss trends in Virtual Coaching! In this interactive session we will invite you to share your thoughts on trends you are seeing in our profession and where you see those trends propelling us into the future.

While we know it is important to keep an eye on trends, Thom hopes you’ll leave the discussion with an invitation to step past simply looking for trends and to drive them yourself.

Reflect on Wayne Gretsky’s famous quote: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been”, and then ask yourself a deeper question: “Who do I have to be to invite the puck?” 

About Thom Wright
M.A., PCC, Facilitator

In his role as the Global Master Coach at Ezra, Thom is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the engagement and quality of Ezra’s global bench of Professional Coaches. To achieve this, he collaborates with the Ezra team and Coaches to create an environment of continuous learning, mentorship, community and support. In addition to his role at Ezra, Thom coaches his own clients, develops future professional coaches as a Member of the Faculty of Professional Coaching at Adler Graduate Professional School in Toronto, is a Certified Team Coach, and is a speaker and facilitator in a number of Leadership Development areas, including Change and Resilience, Leader as Coach, and more.

CCEUs for this event: 1.0 Core Competency; 0.5 Resource Development

14845-6 Yonge Street Suite 185  Aurora, ON, L4G 6H8
T: 416.960.4791 x3   F: 416.929.5256  info@icftoronto.com